By Michele Hartwig- RD
I am always excited to learn about the latest and greatest ultra gear. This month I discovered the best night time running light ever! The Kogalla UltRA light.
I learned about it while volunteering at an aid station at Grandmasters Ultra Marathon in Arizona. Beiyi and Dan are the RD’s. I had seen the light on the trails before but while working the aid station I got to hear about Kogalla directly from the runners using it on the course.
Grandmasters Ultras is for anyone that is over 50. It was full of runners like Catra Corbet, Gordy Ainsleigh, Tor Gudmundsen, (who won the race 100 mile race with a time of 18:43) wearing the Kogalla UltRA light coming through my station.
Catra Corbett was wearing the Kogalla Ultra Trail light
I kept seeing these runners wearing the Kogalla UltRA Trail light. They were all telling me it was the best light they ever owned. With this veteran line up of runners, their high praise caught my attention.
I tested the light on course and was sold to order my own.
How does the Kogella UltRA Trail Light work? Notice the design of multiple lights. In a traditional light all the energy going to one light causes it to heat up. This results in the light changing brightness from high to dim. The Kogalla UltRA light brightness stays consistent because it does not heat up. It is easy to attach it to a vest, waist pack, hat, or where ever it would work best for you.
DISCOUNT FOR OUR RUNNERS: We wanted our runners to enjoy the benefits of this amazing light and reached out to the fine crew at Kogalla. They generously offered a discount code. Good for 15% off. Use Code: OrneryMuleRacing
Code Good for 15% off: OrneryMuleRacing
The Kogalla Ultra light in action on a dark night
Gordy taking a short rest on his way to a 100 mile finish. These Veteran runners know a good trail light!
Here is some photos of the Kogalla Ultra light attached to a vest and waist pack. We personally use the RA single pack 3 for 100+ events!